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Calcium Translocation in the Peanut (Arachis hypogae L.). Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural University 9: 26-28. Effects of Water Stress at Critical Growth Stages on Growth and Yield of Groundnut in Summer Season. Peningkatan Produktivitas Kacang Tanah Melalui Perbaikan Keseimbangan Source dan Sink. Field Drought Tolerance of Soybean Plant Introduction. Sloane, R.J., Patterson, R.P., and Carter, T.E. Obtaining Sustainable Higher Groundnut Yields: Principles and Practise of Cultivation. Nigam, S.N., Aruna, R., Giri, D.Y., Ranga, R.G., Reddy, A.G.S.

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Response of Irrigated Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Moisture Stress and its Management.

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Naveen, P., Daniel, K.V., Subramanian, P., and Kumar, P.S. Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Irrigation. of the Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program International Research Symposium and Workshop, Two Jima Quality Inn, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 25-31 March, 1996: pp 353-362. Breeding Peanut to Fit into Thai Cropping Systems. Produksi Padi dan Tanaman Palawija Tahun 2012 s/d 2015. Groundnut Growth and Development in Contrasting Environment. Keywords: Flower, Local cultivars, Peanuts, Soil water availability, Pod numberīell, M.J., Wright, G.C. Number of flowers and peanut pods begin to decrease when soil water availability as as much as 75%. Four peanut local cultivars from Banten showed no difference in tolerance to the declining of soil water availability. Flowers appear began to plant at 24 and ending at 46 days after planting with a period of at most appear at the age of 26 up to 36 DAP. The results showed a similar general pattern that was the decreasing soil water availability resulting in the decreasing amount of flowers and pod number of peanut local cultivars from Banten. The second factor was the peanut local cultivars from Banten consists of four levels (local cultivars of Cikeusal, Petir, Anyer, and Cisoka). The first factor was the soil water availability consists of three levels (100%, 75%, and 50%). The experiments used factorial randomized block design with three replications of two factors. Kancil variety did not perform any superiority.Experiments were performed to characterize the response of peanut local cultivars from Banten to soil water availability decreased during the reproductive phase. ICGV 86590 was superior on its pod yield (1.338 ton ha-1) with low pod and seed physical qualities. Despite of its lowest pod yield (0.964 ton ha-1), J-11 produced the same pod and seed physical qualities as GH 51 did. GH-51 yielded in 1.076 ton ha-1 with superior pod and seed physical qualities. Turangga variety had the highest pod yield (1.626 ton ha-1) with low pod and seed physical qualities. Pod yield reduced when water was available upto 55 DAS only. The result showed that the shorter the water availability, the lower the leaf relative water content, pod and seed water contents, number of mature pods, seed size, and intact seeds weight. The pods were harvested at 102 days after sowing. The replications were nested into four treatments of soil water availability (0-100, 0-85, 0-70,0-55 days after sowing/DAS). Five genotypes were arranged in a RCB design, with 3 replicates. The experiment was conducted at Muneng Experimental Farm, Probolinggo District during July-October 2012. The reseach was carried out to assess the effect of drought stress at various soil water availabilities during generative stage on pod yield, pod and seed physical qualities. Drought stress during generative stage affected pod yield, yield components, seed and pod qualities of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.).

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