Light burn or photograv
Light burn or photograv

light burn or photograv

Probably start with something like 20mm/s. Then start sweeping speed and find the correct speed for the assigned power which gives a good greyscale. This 10% (relatively low) power setting is because the 40W laser is more than enough power to burn the top of the plywood. This means a black dot would be set to 26 (10% of S max)and a white dot is zero. Then set min power to 0% and max power to probably 10%. Now everything is basically aligned (this is not optimizing the granularity, but easiest to understand so I recommend starting with that). In LB go to Edit->Device Settings and set S value max to 255. Set $30 to 255, set $31 to 0, you do this in the console window of LB, $$ to confirm they were set.

light burn or photograv

White will give a power of 0, and black will give a power of 255. Greyscale images are processed in LB as 8bit, so there are only 256 distinct values. This also eliminates variabilities with respect to your image.

light burn or photograv

I had to create my own greyscale that has never been converted to jpg (only a BMP) which will add anomalies due to compression. Start with a greyscale test pattern I've attached. Min dot size: This is based on optics as 16 microsteps is more than enough res for our steppers.


Photograv uses dithering for which is only on/off (1bit) and not needed for Paul's controller which has full PWM control. For a properly processed image I see no reason to set min to anything other than 0%. I've been doing a lot of engraving with a laser diode, so I have not fully characterized the ideal settings for the K40. Quote from tprothma on January 13, 2019, 2:34 am

Light burn or photograv